Divide et impera is the third of three political maxims in Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace (1795), Appendix I, the others being Fac et excusa ("Act now, and make excuses later") and Si fecisti, nega ("If you commit a crime, deny it"): "Divide et impera, the reprobated axiom of tyranny, is under certain (some) qualifications, the only policy, by which a republic can be administered on just principles." Kant refers this tactic when describing the traits of a "political moralist."
Recently, I had a conversation with a client who had become increasingly unhappy about the decline in her falling profits going on for months. I asked her if she could tell me the reasons she thought were responsible for the declining profits. Sure, she immediately came up with all the well-known reasons, high rents and taxes, the dying local economy, a new competitor nearby, etc pp….
When she had finished listing all the reasons she could think of for the decline in business, I asked her if she noticed anything on the list. She thought about it for a few minutes and then said she couldn't think of anything else or anything wrong. I then asked her if she had noticed what all these reasons had in common. But after a few minutes she gave up. She couldn't see what I wanted her to see. When I explained to her that she had no control over the things she had mentioned, she had no way of changing them. Of course, control over something is a thing when control becomes self-control, but if she has no power over the circumstances that lead to her dwindling sales, she can only fight the decline of her business if she looks for reasons that are within her control. I have seen this tendency time and time again over the last few years. When something goes wrong, the first thing we often do is look for things that are out of our control. But there is no point in looking for things that are out of our control because there is nothing we can do about it. If instead we look for things that we can influence, then we have a chance of changing things. I know from my own experience of political assessments of situations in countries with a socially unstable society how frustrating it can be to only see the things that people have no control over and then use these factors to make excuses. It's the same old story about the half-full or half-empty glass of water. My client was not happy when I explained that this was just a list of excuses. All she needed to do to make a positive change was to find things she had control over that would lead to a different outcome. One of the advantages of French culture is that a meal often leads to a relaxed situation. I worked with him for about half an hour and we found a number of things that he had control over that would improve his business. This advice is not limited to business. In our daily lives, we often do the same thing. We find many things that are wrong, but we tend to look outside ourselves for the reasons. We can't control the things outside of us. Look within. Look for things you can control. Change the things you can change and over time you will change your life. However, there is only one option against political arbitrariness and autocratic institutions such as the Commissioners of the European Union, who appoint each other like the Commissars of the Politburo in Moscow at the time: relocate production to more promising, future-oriented markets. |
Those who have been growing used to the absurd will feel at ease in these times of ours.....
February 2025
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